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The Effect of Parenting Style in Junior High School Adolescent’s Self-Esteem

Received: 29 September 2019     Accepted: 14 October 2019     Published: 23 October 2019
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Self-esteem is important in adolescent, with good self-esteem adolescents able to actualize their potential to create positive social interactions. Self-esteem increases in children, decreases in adolescence and increases in adulthood then declines in old age. The level of self-esteem is influenced by significant people, especially parents. The objective was to prove adolescents from non-democratic parenting style have lower self-esteem than democratic parenting style. The study was conducted in Government Junior High School Denpasar from January until April 2018. Schools were chosen by simple random sampling, meanwhile samples were collected consecutively. Parenting styles was assessed by Kuesioner Pola Asuh Anak (KPAA) and self-esteem by Rosenberg questionnaire. Statistic analysis was performed by Chi-square test followed by multivariate logistic regression analysis, significancy level was set to p<0.05, confident interval (CI) 95%. Total 125 adolescents enrolled in this study, 21 were excluded, 104 samples including 52 adolescents from democratic parenting style and 52 adolescents from non-democratic parenting style. Clinical different was found in mother’s occupation meanwhile bivariate analysis with Chi-square showed significant different of low self-esteem 32.7% in non-democratic, 5.8% in democratic parenting style (p=0.001; RP=5.667, CI: 1.766 to 18.178). Finally multivariate logistic regression analysis showed low self-esteem in adolescent was influenced by non-democratic parenting style. This study concluded non-democratic parenting style is risky to induce low self-esteem in adolescent.

Published in American Journal of Pediatrics (Volume 5, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajp.20190504.20
Page(s) 224-229
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2019. Published by Science Publishing Group


Adolescent, Self-esteem, Parenting Style, Democratic, Non-democratic

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  • APA Style

    I. Gusti Ayu Trisna Windiani, Sri Maya, I. Gusti Ngurah Sanjaya Putra, Ida Bagus Subanada. (2019). The Effect of Parenting Style in Junior High School Adolescent’s Self-Esteem. American Journal of Pediatrics, 5(4), 224-229. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajp.20190504.20

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    ACS Style

    I. Gusti Ayu Trisna Windiani; Sri Maya; I. Gusti Ngurah Sanjaya Putra; Ida Bagus Subanada. The Effect of Parenting Style in Junior High School Adolescent’s Self-Esteem. Am. J. Pediatr. 2019, 5(4), 224-229. doi: 10.11648/j.ajp.20190504.20

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    AMA Style

    I. Gusti Ayu Trisna Windiani, Sri Maya, I. Gusti Ngurah Sanjaya Putra, Ida Bagus Subanada. The Effect of Parenting Style in Junior High School Adolescent’s Self-Esteem. Am J Pediatr. 2019;5(4):224-229. doi: 10.11648/j.ajp.20190504.20

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      abstract = {Self-esteem is important in adolescent, with good self-esteem adolescents able to actualize their potential to create positive social interactions. Self-esteem increases in children, decreases in adolescence and increases in adulthood then declines in old age. The level of self-esteem is influenced by significant people, especially parents. The objective was to prove adolescents from non-democratic parenting style have lower self-esteem than democratic parenting style. The study was conducted in Government Junior High School Denpasar from January until April 2018. Schools were chosen by simple random sampling, meanwhile samples were collected consecutively. Parenting styles was assessed by Kuesioner Pola Asuh Anak (KPAA) and self-esteem by Rosenberg questionnaire. Statistic analysis was performed by Chi-square test followed by multivariate logistic regression analysis, significancy level was set to pChi-square showed significant different of low self-esteem 32.7% in non-democratic, 5.8% in democratic parenting style (p=0.001; RP=5.667, CI: 1.766 to 18.178). Finally multivariate logistic regression analysis showed low self-esteem in adolescent was influenced by non-democratic parenting style. This study concluded non-democratic parenting style is risky to induce low self-esteem in adolescent.},
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    AU  - Sri Maya
    AU  - I. Gusti Ngurah Sanjaya Putra
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    AB  - Self-esteem is important in adolescent, with good self-esteem adolescents able to actualize their potential to create positive social interactions. Self-esteem increases in children, decreases in adolescence and increases in adulthood then declines in old age. The level of self-esteem is influenced by significant people, especially parents. The objective was to prove adolescents from non-democratic parenting style have lower self-esteem than democratic parenting style. The study was conducted in Government Junior High School Denpasar from January until April 2018. Schools were chosen by simple random sampling, meanwhile samples were collected consecutively. Parenting styles was assessed by Kuesioner Pola Asuh Anak (KPAA) and self-esteem by Rosenberg questionnaire. Statistic analysis was performed by Chi-square test followed by multivariate logistic regression analysis, significancy level was set to pChi-square showed significant different of low self-esteem 32.7% in non-democratic, 5.8% in democratic parenting style (p=0.001; RP=5.667, CI: 1.766 to 18.178). Finally multivariate logistic regression analysis showed low self-esteem in adolescent was influenced by non-democratic parenting style. This study concluded non-democratic parenting style is risky to induce low self-esteem in adolescent.
    VL  - 5
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Author Information
  • Department of Child Health, Faculty of medicine, Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia

  • Department of Child Health, Sondosia General Hospital, Bima, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

  • Department of Child Health, Faculty of medicine, Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia

  • Department of Child Health, Faculty of medicine, Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia

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